Ultimate Paint is a program for creating, viewing and editing image files. It supports the most popular image formats like JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG and so on. The program's interface is akin to that of other graphic programs like Photoshop or CorelDraw, only a little more basic and less graphic, that is, you should modify some of the settings numerically instead of graphically. The program has almost all the features that other graphical pgrograms do, as brushes, zoom in/out, color sampling, cloning, text, and so on. It also has many filters you can use to enhance your images, such as diffuse, emboss, neon lights, bubbles, headlights, color grid, crystal ball, and many others that will unleash your creativity. Interestingly, it has a full set of filters dedicated exclusively to photo enhancing. Among the filters contained in this set are Blur, Color Adjust, Enhance Detail, Gray Scale, Negative, and others. These would be ideal for you if you are a photography enthusiast.
The Brush feature is another interesting one, since it allows you to choose the brush orientation, a feature not present in other graphic programs. In short, this is a good option to other, more complex -and costly- graphic programs.